Thursday, February 28, 2008

Search Engine Optimization : The Importance Of Link Building

Link Building is hugely important to your SEO campaign. The practice of link building is simply getting other websites to link back to yours. Despite how very important it is though, most webmasters don’t have a genuine link building campaign because it’s typically a very lengthy task to perform. But don’t let this be a reason you don’t do at least some link building for your website. You’d be doing your company a huge disservice by overlooking this vital Search Engine Optimization step.

Here is a brief list of legitimately important reasons and tips on pursing link building :

1. Google is the number one search engine people use when searching for any given topic or service. That being said, Google ranks much more favorably for sites with relevant and informative backlinks. When you have other sites who are relevant and rank well with Google (and other search engines) linking to you, it increases your page rank as well, and in turn makes it more likely your target audience will find you.

2. Content and Links work hand in hand! One is no use without the other. You may have award winning content on your site that anyone would find useful, but if they can’t find it, it’s useless. And links that go to a site without quality information are just as pointless. Make sure not to do one without the other. First you need content, THEN link building. Other sites will be much more likely to link to you if they find your site to be informative and helpful. They will not want to be affiliated with you if they feel it will annoy or hurt the relationship they have with their current website visitors.

3. The quality of backlinks depends on the relevancy of the page you are linking to. In other words, it is only a valuable link if the site you are linking to is in the same family of websites as yours is. You want the site to be rich in helpful and genuine content. Spam-like or irrelevant sites will not help your page rank, in face, it could hurt it. So while Link Building is important, the quality of the sites you select is what determines the amount of success your campaign will have.

4. The online community is a very active one, and it will do your company well to tap into it. Writing blogs and taking part in online forums is a great way to get involved with a group that is in the same theme as your website. Finding a forum where people are asking questions about something relevant to what you do is a Link Building gold mine! You can answer their questions and provide a link to your site for more helpful information. (This may also put you a little more in touch with what your client market is thinking) Blogs are also very useful, they give you an opportunity to talk about what you do and link back to your site, and if other bloggers find your article informative, they may repost it and link back to you as well. A link is born!

5. The more link building you do, the more inbound traffic will come your way, making it even easier to get people to link you. Before you know it people may be asking you to link to them! It can seem like an uphill battle at first, but as you go, it gets easier and you’ll enjoy the benefits with search engines like Google and Yahoo when they give you page one ranks!

6. Guaranteeing a successful Link Building Campaign isn’t easy, and taking shortcuts can get you penalized by the ever so important search engines we are trying to impress. It’s recommended to seek an experienced professional who knows how to effectively run such a campaign. That way you are free to spend your time doing other things for your company.

So in closing, the backbone of Search Engine Marketing is regularly updating and creating high quality and compelling content for your site and continuing to build links to that content. When done properly, it will do wonders for your web traffic.

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